collin's corner week 1


you remember this from my instagram story? now its a website! i told u the format might change!

what: to one one’s surprise i have been listening to a lot of beabadoobee. so much so i would rather not post my top 25 albums because i think it would be almost all of beabadoobee’s discography. not only do i love her music, i’ve got 26 days until i see her live and i would really like to know almost all the words.

personal favorites: talk, see you soon, cologne, how was your day

why: these four tracks are all pretty different and they give you a very nice look into the range of her music. been a super big fan of all of these lately and cant seem to stop listening. see you soon and talk are both off beatopia, which i cannot wait for to release in july!

what: with the announcement of kendrick’s new album, i wanted to go back and take a deeper dive into some of his discography. i wanted in particular to check out “to pimp a butterfly” as some consider it to be the best rap album of all time. i do not feel like i am qualified to say if it is or isnt, but this album really blew me away. some of these tracks are absolute jams, and others feel like a deeper look into society, and i really enjoyed this

personal favorites: wesley’s theory, alright, mortal man

why: i really think wesley’s theory is one of my favorite album openers of all time. this intro track while being extremely catchy gives a great glimpse to what the rest of the album is going to be like. the only other album opener that really does the same for me is none other than igor’s theme. both of these tracks feel like they set the stage for the rest of the album and really allow it to thrive.

what: if you have been keeping up with my album a day series, i posted this back in february. this is a short album from a chinese shoegaze band, and this is something i cannot stop coming back to. the feeling this gives me is truly unparalleled and i cannot recommend a listen of this enough

personal favorites: 一日入冬, 鸽哨 (first two tracks)

why: this album really is one of the reasons i stopped doing an album a day. when i found this i didnt want to just keep going forwards. i wanted to just lay down and enjoy this for hours. i have really been getting into more of this style of music recently, and this is just an ethereal experience. walking to the library late at night to study while this plays in my earbuds is really unmatched, and i have gotten so much joy from this album. please go give this a listen!

how was your day? to pimp a butterfly california nebula